
This project is supported by the LARAS (which a part of IRISIB: Institut de Recherche de l’ISIB, Brussels, Belgium) in cooperation with the NUMEDIART Research Institute from the University of Mons (Belgium).

For more information, or to participate in the research project as an artist, tester or developer, please contact Gwendal Le Vaillant at glevaillant@he2b.be


If you use the MIEM apps in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations to the following paper:

Gwendal Le Vaillant, Thierry Dutoit and Rudi Giot. “Analytic vs. holistic approaches for the live search of sound presets using graphical interpolation”, New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME ’20), Birmingham, UK, 2020.

All publications related to the MIEM project

Gwendal Le Vaillant, Thierry Dutoit and Rudi Giot. “Analytic vs. holistic approaches for the live search of sound presets using graphical interpolation”, New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME ’20), Birmingham, UK, 2020.

Gwendal Le Vaillant, Rudi Giot and Rafael Muñoz Gomez. “Interface multimodale pour la spatialisation de musique acousmatique”, Journées d’Informatique Musicale (JIM 15), Montréal, Canada, 2015.

Gwendal Le Vaillant and Rudi Giot. “Multi-touch Interface for Acousmatic Music Spatialization”, International Computer Music Conference (ICMC ’14), Athens, Greece, 2014.